
How to Live Off the Grid and Remain Financially Comfortable

As technology and automation become more integrated into human society, many people are taking advantage of the associated benefits. In fact, some people now make money by simply blogging and sharing their content. However, not everyone is in tune with this lifestyle. As a matter of fact, certain individuals are choosing to adopt minimalist lifestyles and habits. Some people even opt to live off the grid, soak up nature, and …

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The Importance of Investing

In 2018, one of the most important steps that one can take towards financial success is investing. Not only does investing put one's money to work, but it also allows the individual to grow his or her own money. Of course, poor investments usually engender lost funds. However, smart and strategic investments can grow your income significantly. Some of the wealthiest people in the world invest in one form of …

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Learn What Being Happier Can Mean To Your Future And Life


How can you increase your overall life satisfaction? Simply put, it isn't through earning more money, though so many believe this to be the solution. You've heard all of the stories. Money does not buy happiness, and this is true, more than most people realize. However, faceless money can make you feel satisfied, but not too many know what this is--so what does it imply? If you have money to …

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7 Simple Steps To Achieve Financial Security Before 30

This article is part of our Finance Hub.


Everyone desires to be financially secure, especially when planning for that retirement. However, for young Canadians, this is often the last thing they are thinking about—at least before they turn 30! This mindset really needs to change. Whether you intend to work for a boss or become self-employed, the goal should be to attain financial security early enough. Notably, choosing …

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