
8 Easy Steps To Get Started With An Emergency Fund


An emergency fund is more valuable than ever in today’s shaky economy than ever. You never know when life is going to throw you a surprise. From your water heater dying to your car stalling, you don't have to get payday loans in Barrie or wherever you live, just for basic survival needs.

An emergency fund gives you a financial safety net and peace of mind to handle the situation …

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5 Real Life Reasons Why Canadians Need An Emergency Fund


There is no doubt you've read and heard about the importance of having an emergency fund .  In today's questionable economy, an emergency fund is more invaluable than ever.  You never know when life is going to give you some blows, but they're sure to happen.  From your water heater going out, on to your car breaking down--you don't want to be left down and out and having to turn …

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