
Managing Your Financial Documents


A filing cabinet is one of the most important tools any financially-literate person can have. While electronic records are getting more common, we are still a long way from being a paperless society. Plus, there are several security concerns online. With online fraud running rampant, your tax receipts and utility bills must be kept safe.

Besides good financial planning and avoiding investment scams, keeping a good financial record …

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Valentine's Day On A Budget

Whether you’re newly in a relationship, married for a decade, or plan to celebrate with friends, Valentine’s Day can be a great excuse for a bit of romance or a bit of fun. Sure, it can be a day that is commercialized, but with the right attitude, it can be a chance to spend quality time with the one you love.

A traditional Valentine date however, can easily get pricey …

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The Stock Market

It is always a good idea to save for the future, but RRSPs and TFSAs aren’t the only options. If approached correctly, smart investments in the stock market have a lot of potential to make you extra money.

Especially over the years.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

The stock market is complicated and ever-changing so it can feel quite intimidating. However, with the right info and support, making your first investment …

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Understanding Canadian Sales Tax

Canadian Taxes Are Different For Businesses

When you go shopping, it can be difficult to know how much more than the sticker price you will be made to pay. Like other taxes, figuring out the Canadian sales tax system can be very complicated. How much do you have to pay? What do you have to pay for? Where does that extra five to fifteen percent of your bill go? What about taxes on auto insurance? …

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