When you’re low on funds and need quick cash, a payday loan may be one of your fastest options. Nearly 2 million Canadians use payday loans to help them through financially difficult times yearly.
Are you looking for a payday loan? You probably want to know how long it will take so that you can compare it to the other financial options you have in front of you. Besides, knowing …
After a long time of back and forth travel restrictions, Canadians finally have some good news to celebrate! The government has announced some new rules as of April 1st. Which encourages travel by air, land, and water. It's pretty close to how things used to be, which is very exciting. However, we still encourage you to do your research before moving forward with any plans.
Either way, this is a …
The past few months have brought some of the highest gasoline prices that Canadians have ever seen. Prices at the pump are at a record high this spring, compounded by global conflict, a surge in demand as offices return to in-person, and a renewed ability to travel.
With daily travel becoming more costly, it makes sense that millions of Canadians are now looking for ways to eliminate those minor day-to-day …
It’s no secret that Canada has its fair share of harsh, cold, and bitter winter temperatures. (After all, we’re not called “The Great White North” for nothing!). Learning how to deal with the cold is just part of the deal when you live here. It means knowing how to stay warm during the winter, whether it’s through adding another blanket (or two) onto the bed at night, installing extra insulation …
Gas prices are on the rise, and it seems like they will continue to do so, especially with the ongoing recent events. However, don't let that deter your morale. You can do many things to keep things "moving" while saving at the pump. All you need to do is get a little creative, have an open mind, and be willing to try some new things.
Check out our special tips …
When you think about “spring cleaning,” you’re probably thinking about washing windows, dusting overhead fans, and (ugh) cleaning out every nook and cranny in your house. Spring cleaning isn’t always fun, but it’s a great feeling to know that you’re starting the season off fresh – especially after a long, chilly winter of being cooped up inside!
Although spring cleaning in the house is definitely the most well-known form of …
Everyone has felt the sting of canceled travel plans throughout the pandemic, from virtual get-togethers with friends and families to postponed vacations. Trust us, we get it. It’s frustrating, stressful, and a downright bummer to not be able to fulfill those travel and vacation plans that keep getting pushed to the side.
As vaccination rates increase throughout Canada, it’s tempting to reschedule flights and rebook hotel stays – but increasing …
Inflation is currently at an 18-year high in Canada, which means you’re paying more this year for goods and services. In fact, whether it’s on your weekly shopping list, your monthly rental bill, or the cost of filling up your tank, you can expect to pay about 4 percent more on basic necessities like groceries, housing costs, and gasoline.
Inflation rises and dips naturally, but why is it so …
We all want to be that person who has their Christmas presents wrapped and packed away before November, but let’s face it: the holidays are hectic, and that type of preparation takes true next-level planning. December is a blur, and once the countdown to Christmas starts getting closer, it’s all too easy to panic-buy and overspend. After all, you don't want make it a habit of getting too many e …
There’s no mistaking that 2020 and 2021 have taken a toll on Canada’s economy and the job market. A global pandemic has caused a ton of upswings and downswings, with jobs being lost and created at breakneck speeds. Many are even learning tips to cope with sudden unemployment. With so many uncertainties floating around, what can be done here anyway right? Well, in Peterborough, Ontario, things are actually picking …