Where Should You Really Cut Back on Your Budget?

Posted on Thursday 23 March 2017

Too much traditional savings advice focuses too strictly on removing all of the things an individual might love. Don't drink coffee, don't buy this, don't buy that, etc

Why not consider what motivates you then work around it?

When you cut your budget to save for things you have been longing for, it just creates a possibility of a way better outcome.

As human beings, we like to look forward on things. So cutting out things we love just to save a few bucks is a horrible strategy.

What you want to do is create a realistic strategy that will help you save and at the same time, keep you motivated.

Just keep in mind that if you always feel deprived or dissatisfied due to your current budgeting strategy, it isn't going to last.

There's no way you can stick to something that makes you feel miserable all the time.

However, if you look to the future and think of those things that really mean a lot to you, but which require temporary cutting your budget, you will do so.

Let's take this a bit further and dig in.

You Can Live Happy on a Budget

You can definitely live healthy and happy on a budget, there's no reason why you can't. If you manage your savings and pay off your credit cards then why not?

You can still spend on things you enjoy too--there's no reason to go without those. As long as you stick to a conservative budget, things will work out just fine.

We all should do this and then there might be more personality when we venture out in public. You know what we mean.

Those sour faces and poor personalities are often due to financial issues and budget concerns. If you happen to be a Vancouverite, you may get a temporary fix thanks to bad credit loans in BC, but having a long term vision always helps.

The tips we are going to share with you now may help you change that.

What do you spend weekly on food? Try budgeting when buying food.

12.5% of a budget often goes to food, but you can shave back here. Even if you choose to eat healthier, you can shop smarter.

It's important to establish a weekly spending amount on your consumables. Remember the following phrase: "Don't get what you don't need".

This is more true than what you might think. There is too much wasteful spending at the grocery and specialty store.

Trim back on your energy costs and try to integrate green living habits.

Energy saving practices can ensure you and your family save a lot of money. Leaving lights on, not turning the faucet off properly, leaks in windows, long showers--all of these and more can impact your energy bill and cost quite a substantial amount annually.

The Department of Energy states that simply unplugging devices that aren't in constant use can potentially lower your energy costs by 10%. Getting into a habit of lowering your energy costs by being more responsible and carrying out home improvements can really add up in savings annually, versus losing money annually.

Cut back on luxury items you just never need or forget about

We've all done it, especially women...you're out shopping and you see a new facial cleanser, or age complex lotion, or a perfume and immediately want it.  However, you end up not liking it and rarely using it.

This is a waste.

The best bet is to stick with those things you know you like, or at the very least, sample a product before buying it. If you can cut back in this category alone, you can really save a lot of cash. Once you are where you want to be financially, then buy what you want. For now, just take it easy with all that.

Do your own housekeeping and weekly tasks on your own

Instead of going through the automated car wash that can cost upwards of $10 and more--wash your own car. You can put on the car wax or what not yourself. Though it might take more time, the results will make you feel more satisfied than ever. Plus the extra exercise doesn't hurt either.

We've become to dependent on convenience, and it costs us more than just unnecessary spending. Clean your own house, learn home improvement and more. You'll be amazed at the extra funds you'll have the end of the year.

Plus this is when you'll feel super motivated to continue with it all.

Also at the end of the year, when you look at your savings, you'll have a huge smile on your face.