An emergency fund is more valuable than ever in today’s shaky economy than ever. You never know when life is going to throw you a surprise. From your water heater dying to your car stalling, you don't have to get payday loans in Barrie or wherever you live, just for basic survival needs.
An emergency fund gives you a financial safety net and peace of mind to handle the situation …
There is no doubt you've read and heard about the importance of having an emergency fund . In today's questionable economy, an emergency fund is more invaluable than ever. You never know when life is going to give you some blows, but they're sure to happen. From your water heater going out, on to your car breaking down--you don't want to be left down and out and having to turn …
Is retirement edging close to you? Based on surveys taken across Canada, most people are undecided about whether to retire or un-retire. Some would prefer to work as long as possible, mainly to continue meeting their financial needs.
Many Canadians simply can't afford to retire and are now looking into the concept of unretiring. Over half of Canadian workers are considering unretiring because they have not saved enough to …
In this article, we will look at one of the options you have for getting out of debt . If the collections agencies are knocking on your door and your debt repayments are ruining your budget , a debt consolidation loan can be exactly what you need to get your finances back into order.
Debt consolidation is a very simple idea. The average consumer has debt from a lot of …
We’ve already covered credit card fraud on this blog, and in this article we’ll talk some more about fraud and how to prevent it.
According to the 2012 CSA Investor Index, 27% of Canadians believe that they have been targeted for investment fraud at some point. 4.6% of Canadians believe they’ve been the victims of investment fraud. Over half of those affected lost their entire investment. Nearly all the rest …
We discussed a few long-term energy saving options in our guide to winter on a budget. However, what things can you do to save energy year-round? Luckily, there are many steps you can take beyond just fitting curtains and new insulation.
In this article, we’ll look at ways to be more energy efficient in the home, saving you potentially hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year. Having …
Recently, finance Minister tabled the federal budget for 2021. Election year budgets are typically more generous than usual, and despite a projected budget decline for the fiscal year (Due to Covid-19 mostly), this one nevertheless contains a spread of handouts to Canadian families: a mixture of tax cuts, tax credits, financial documents and extra spending.
In this article, we’ll take a look at a few of the highlights, changes that …
Sometimes, buying the cheap option can cost you more in the long term. Consider the following example. You go out and buy a pair of winter boots for $50. They last their first winter, but during their second, the leather starts to crack, the soles are worn down, and you end up replacing them. Meanwhile, your rich friend buys himself a new pair of boots for $200. The boots last …
Not everyone is born knowing how to balance a budget or save for retirement . Many people, when it comes to financial planning, just close their eyes and cross their fingers. For those people, the first push towards educating themselves about finances often comes when disaster strikes: say, they are refused a mortgage . Bad credit can sneak up on you. You miss a credit card payment here , you …
Last December, the media and data company Bloomberg estimated that the average Canadian spent a little under three percent of their income on gasoline in the fourth quarter of 2014. While gas prices are lower than they have been in years, you are still probably spending more than you need to on keeping your vehicle fuelled. Even if you don’t have money in the budget for a more fuel-efficient car, …